Thursday, March 29, 2007

Heart Over Career

Life’s Job Resignation #1
Before TFI, I know no In-Design.
Before TFI, I know no Flash animation.
Before TFI, I suck in Illustrator.
Before TFI, I suck in playing pool.
Before TFI, I got no family in Manila.

With TFI, I learned Adobe Premiere.
With TFI, I became immature with PC Games.
With TFI, I lost two dogs.
With TFI, I got to eat in fine restaurants.
With TFI, I met Daisy, who in-turn led me to my fiancee, Nathalie.
With TFI, I learned to play music out of a champagne glass.
With TFI, I enjoyed so much I forgot to do more with my job to get a raise.
With TFI, I got to stay for free in a nice house.
With TFI, I felt so blessed.

But I have to move on and leave all those blessings for a precious blessing that came to my life — that not even a triple raise to my salary can hold me longer.

Sorry guys, I choose my heart over my career. Goodbye to you all.

After TFI, I have nothing but missing all of it with you people.

Asking Is Not RIghtly Doubting

I’ve seen, I’ve heard, I’ve experienced, and I've read.

Probably you have heard most, if not all, of these things also. But just in-case you did not,
I want you to know that women, when they’re in or with their emotions(up or down), logic and reasons don’t seem to fit in right away. So validating their feelings and emotions first before presenting your side help a lot.

Being defensive is one thing that depletes them, emotionally. I was once very defensive with my ex. I’m not saying most guys are. I just stated it as one of those that women irk with.
Women are usually irrational. But it doesn't mean all of them(nature can be manipulated a bit with knowledge, you know).

In relationships where love abides and so thus self-confidence to himself/herself and to each other, and questioning would never be a doubt-pest.

Asking is just one of those ways to start a conversation or to know what’s inside one’s mind.
Women are always wondering what is inside men’s minds when talking and expressing is scarce in the relationship.

It’s not always about doubts. Doubting is just one of them when asking questions.
Women ask a lot when they don’t hear very often what they want to hearfrom us men. And when they untimely ask it, it sends off to us a sortof negative appeal.

When we (men) don’t understand this nature, we usually assume it’snagging or doubting. But it’s simply a little of just being reassuredwith them (women).

Women will never get enough of the reassuring thingy. They love to hear it again and again. We guys don’t.

For example, my gf/fiancee/wife dreamed of something that bothered her.She dreamt two nights in a row of sleeping with another man. Each nightwith a different man.

Upon waking up, she relayed the dream to me and asked me "You would notsimply let me go, won’t you? You will fight for me, right?"

Why did she ask? She simply wants to hear something from me. It’s THATsimple. She just want to hear me say, "I will not simply let you go andI will fight for you, honey (langga, baby, etc)."

I want to understand why she was bothered. I know it was because of her dreams.
With that dream, she felt how it was without me and with another man and it gave her uncomfortable thoughts or even feelings.

She wanted to be assured or reassured, not because she doubted butbecause she wants to be comforted. It’s the sadness she wants to kickout … and me, by declaring those words, would do more than justappease her heart.

A hug would be expected to follow. (Isn’t that nice?)

We guys want to be logical with this situation. We want to disect whatmade women ask so. We want to be rational. But "at THAT time" theydon’t need our logic. They want comforting words from us. Saying it forthem won’t mean we condone to the doubting.

On that very moment, she wanted to be validated. She doesn’t wantlogic. Her mind is telling her she got no doubt but her heart is sadand didn’t like the dreams.

We (men) are their comfort so they simply want that from us.

She’s past with her emotions now… but if I never declared thosewords, withholding and depriving her from those words could be simplebut FATAL when resented (of course be her).

Men are logical. Women are emotional. Emotions are always stronger at its moment.

We have to give way first to women’s emotions when it’s at hand beforetelling them what we think. Appease her emotions even if it’s out ofthis world. A hug. A kiss. Or just simply by listening passionately.It’s like a diamond to them. And for sure they WILL reward us.

Don’t worry, scary emotions are short-lived … after they’re validated … credited to her.

It’s THAT simple… we can then throw in ALL our logic and reasons and they’ll be able to listen to our reasoning.

Giving in or validating her emotions won’t take anything less from us(let’s put away our male ego system at these moments first) or even spoilher.

Love can never spoil. Love is faith. Love don't go along with doubts and mistrust.