Thursday, July 26, 2007

Walking Away

Practice zipping up your mouth! Practice letting go of having to beright! Practice walking away from a conflicted or heated situation, rather than jumping into the fray in the hopes of winning. If you look back, you will see that no one wins when both people are trying to control with anger, blame, explanations, debating, defending, lectures, or compliance.

However, if you choose to walk away, walk away with love and compassion – intent on taking loving care of yourself rather than punishing your partner. Walking away in anger is just another way to control.

But don't walk away too far with resentments. It's simply to say, "back yourself out of the heat" and "strike when the iron is cold."

Choosing Forgiveness

Choosing forgiveness is a necessity for good emotional and mental health, for like attracts like. If you choose to come from a place of gratitude and forgiveness, you begin to vibrate at a higher frequency and naturally draw others in who reflect that back to you.

If your heart is filled with love and compassion, you continually elicit that love and compassion from others. Similarly, if your mind is full of resentment and judgment, you attract others who are resentful and judgmental or who magnify your emotional pain.