I have a lot of guys write me (David DeAngelo) to say, "I know
this girl who's beautiful and smart and
attractive. She and I are great friends, we have
everything in common, and we get along
perfectly... but she says that she's just not
attracted to me..."
Have you ever noticed that:
1) The most attractive and interesting women seem
to be attracted to men who don't treat them very
2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more
she often seems to act like "just a friend" to
What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be
"nice" to girls?
Here's the deal: Women aren't usually
romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are
attracted to men who are funny, confident, and
mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're
not 6'4" tall and model-handsome, then you have to
learn how to attract women with your personality.
And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you.
A while back, I mentioned an interesting book
that was written about the band Motley Crue.
Remember those guys?
Well, the book is called "The Dirt: Confessions
of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band." As I
read through that book, I realized that these guys
have dated more of the world's most attractive
women than anyone (except maybe Hugh Hefner).
In case you didn't know, the guys in Motley
Crue are not very "nice." They're famous for
taking every drug known to man, beating their
women, fighting, and having a lot of people die
around them.
Now, the first thing most guys say is, "Yeah,
but they're rich and famous..."
And this is true, they are rich and famous.
But, and it's a BIG ONE... all of the women that
they have dated, married, and beaten up are
These are supermodels and playmates of the year
and such. These women can date whoever they want.
Tommy Lee was MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND
Pamela Anderson... remember?
These women didn't need Tommy Lee for his money
or his fame... they're dating these guys for some
Are you with me on this?
So what's going on here? And more importantly,
how can you use this information to be more
successful with women and dating?
First of all, don't go out and start taking
drugs and beating up your dates. I mean, I know
that an occasional woman will drive a man to
drink, but I don't recommend going "Motley Crue"
on a girl... lol.
The first chapter of my book "Double Your
Dating" is called "Women Don't Make Sense." Here's
what I mean...
*****Side Note*****
By the way, if you're just learning about how
to be more successful with women and dating, you
need to go and download a copy of my book NOW. You
can download it here, and be reading it in just a
few minutes:
I believe:
1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about
whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if
he has romantic potential, and once her decision
is made, it's probably going to stay made.
2) These decisions are made "subconsciously,"
meaning that women make all of them quickly and at
a "gut level."
3) If you know how, you can make her feel
attraction feelings rather than "friend" feelings.
4) The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" and
start acting, well... something else... and I
don't mean "not nice."
So what DOES attract women? And how do you do
it exactly?
Good questions...
At the beginning, I mentioned three qualities:
Funny, Confident, and Mysterious.
Before I talk about each, I first have to
Remember that.
Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you
learned to drive? It all made sense... turn the
wheel left and go left, turn it right and go
But do you remember when you learned to back
up? Backing up was a whole new game. Everything
that used to work now works in a different way. At
first you feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left
and go right... and you have to learn how to
maneuver with the back wheels staying straight
while the front wheels turn... all with your head
turned around.
For most people, this takes some time and
practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it
anytime you want.
Well, women are very similar. At first it's
very confusing. You have to try things that don't
seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of
it, then you see how it works and can make it
work... just like backing up a car.
As much as many women would hate to admit it,
there's something very attractive about a man who
is just a little more confident than he should be.
And if you combine this with the right amount of
humor, you have a magic combination that will
charm almost any woman.
Here are a few ways to use this idea:
1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about
something. It doesn't matter what it is, as long
as you do it early on. For instance, you might
say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you
carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some
pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall
without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that
you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a
fun sense of humor. KEY: Make sure you say
something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be
funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not
laughing, then it wasn't funny!
2) Look around at other things and seem kind of
pre-occupied when you first start talking to her.
Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached
tone. You want to sound like you're talking to
your best friend. Attractive women are approached
all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when
you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just
a little too confident" attitude is very
attractive to women... especially when it's
combined with humor.
3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love
to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and
"Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your
family." Answer with funny answers, and don't give
her what she wants. Most guys say, "Oh, I'm an
engineer" or "I'm a stock broker." BORING,BORING.
If she asks what you do... say, "Oh, funny you
should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model...
What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if
it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get
it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.
It's important to remember that I'm not telling
you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm
telling you to start being confident, funny, and
If this is starting to make sense to you, and
you'd like to learn more about the art of
communicating with a woman on a "sexual" level,
then you might want to go and check out my "Sexual
Communication" program.
This is an entire educational program that will
teach you how to use your COMMUNICATION to trigger
and build ATTRACTION with women. All the details,
plus some great video clips are here:
Now, if you want to REALLY learn how to get
away from being a "nice guy" who never gets
anywhere with women, I recommend that after you
read my eBook, you get yourself a copy of my
Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD program.
This program will give you an in-depth
education on how to think and behave in such a way
that will spark a woman's GUT-LEVEL ATTRACTION for
you... no matter what your looks, height, income,
age, etc.
You will learn literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS
of killer ideas for getting over your fears,
approaching women, getting dates, and taking
things to a physical level.
The best part? I'll send it to you at MY RISK.
I'm not kidding around here. You can order it
now and try all the techniques YOURSELF... and if
you aren't THRILLED with this program, just send
it back and pay nothing. No questions, and no
Trust me, I don't get many of them back! But I
DO get back a lot of letters telling me about the
success that guys are having meeting women after
using it... and the complete transformation that
this success leads to in other areas of life. Go
check out the video preview clips and read
about it here:
I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.
Your Friend,
David D.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pacquiao's May 10 or Mayweather's March 13?
Fans are worried about the proposed fight March 13 date of Pacquiao vs Mayweather.
Business wise, Arum said it is the best date for the fight to happen. Reasons are first, it won't interfere Pacquiao's political program (would it?) and two, Mayweather prefers it than a more politically distracted Pacquiao on May 1.
The world is claiming for this fight but since Manny Pacquiao has already filed his candidacy, it would perhaps delay the fight and pave way for tune-up fights, which people don't want to watch.
Some fans say, the March 13 fight would be a fool's decision.
I don't think it should a big worry. IF it's with Mayweather.
Before, boxers fight a lot in a year as often as once or twice a month for 15 rounds. I'm not saying nobody got hurt and damaged but if to compare it with today's advance facilities, it should not be much of a worry -- much more because it's with Mayweather.
It's not that Mayweather doesn't have power. He does because some of his punches can't be seen (like the quick left hook that Marquez received). Mayweather is a "safety-first" fighter and his intention to whoop asses is only for hyping fights.
Arum is a master of this business and he know it's the only way they can get Mayweather (tho Manny doesn't need to chase him). It's not the date. Everything is business of this MOST ANTICIPATED BOXING MATCH ... but we can't let Mayweather get the excuse because of schedules (because this is exactly the excuse he wants).
I may sound very selfish but I do want to shut the mouth of Mayweather and I know Pacquiao can. It's actually his running for congress that is untimely. If Manny then loses, it would be the political distractions that would be blamed for sure.
It's not that I don't trust Manny can do outstanding social welfare for his province, it's just the politics that I detest much. It's like you think you can get away with the foolishness that surrounds it. You can't. Politics is just like riding a motorcycle: no matter how careful you are if it's the driver of a truck who is not careful and hit you ... you will mostly be crushed to death.
Business wise, Arum said it is the best date for the fight to happen. Reasons are first, it won't interfere Pacquiao's political program (would it?) and two, Mayweather prefers it than a more politically distracted Pacquiao on May 1.
The world is claiming for this fight but since Manny Pacquiao has already filed his candidacy, it would perhaps delay the fight and pave way for tune-up fights, which people don't want to watch.
Some fans say, the March 13 fight would be a fool's decision.
I don't think it should a big worry. IF it's with Mayweather.
Before, boxers fight a lot in a year as often as once or twice a month for 15 rounds. I'm not saying nobody got hurt and damaged but if to compare it with today's advance facilities, it should not be much of a worry -- much more because it's with Mayweather.
It's not that Mayweather doesn't have power. He does because some of his punches can't be seen (like the quick left hook that Marquez received). Mayweather is a "safety-first" fighter and his intention to whoop asses is only for hyping fights.
Arum is a master of this business and he know it's the only way they can get Mayweather (tho Manny doesn't need to chase him). It's not the date. Everything is business of this MOST ANTICIPATED BOXING MATCH ... but we can't let Mayweather get the excuse because of schedules (because this is exactly the excuse he wants).
I may sound very selfish but I do want to shut the mouth of Mayweather and I know Pacquiao can. It's actually his running for congress that is untimely. If Manny then loses, it would be the political distractions that would be blamed for sure.
It's not that I don't trust Manny can do outstanding social welfare for his province, it's just the politics that I detest much. It's like you think you can get away with the foolishness that surrounds it. You can't. Politics is just like riding a motorcycle: no matter how careful you are if it's the driver of a truck who is not careful and hit you ... you will mostly be crushed to death.
Bob Arum,
March 13,
Saranggani candidate
Monday, November 3, 2008
The talk was done.
The wedding is done.
But you disrespected our marriage by refueling and insisting your biased and close-minded thoughts.
May God forgive you for keeping hold of your traumatized judgment upon us, believing we fornicated before marriage just because of your preconceived interpretation of one picture.
Again, a firewood doesn't have a brain.
I didn't try to outsmart anyone by bringing up the Obegyne challenge. IT was the only way to prove you wrong and we were both free-spirited to do it. (yeah, just to put you to shame).
The truth set us free and we shouldn't need this.
GOD KNOWS we are pure (remember the wedding-in-white resemblance?) in His eyes and with that we live free. It's not our fault if you're clouded with biased judgment.
Frankly, we both didn't want to invite you to our wedding but we conceded after you made ways to get noticed by offering my parents a BLUFFING helping hand.
I have forgiven you but that doesn't mean I like you because I really don't, and I'm sure I won't.
Looking down on me like a firewood (or even like a fresh cut wood) was way too much (like you've known me for even a day ... boooo).
How about looking at your own backyard first? Because I smell UNFINISHED and BURNT wood.
If you got burned and traumatized by it, that's pretty normal BUT PLEASE DON'T SMUDGE your filthy ash on me/us.
The wedding is done.
But you disrespected our marriage by refueling and insisting your biased and close-minded thoughts.
May God forgive you for keeping hold of your traumatized judgment upon us, believing we fornicated before marriage just because of your preconceived interpretation of one picture.
Again, a firewood doesn't have a brain.
I didn't try to outsmart anyone by bringing up the Obegyne challenge. IT was the only way to prove you wrong and we were both free-spirited to do it. (yeah, just to put you to shame).
The truth set us free and we shouldn't need this.
GOD KNOWS we are pure (remember the wedding-in-white resemblance?) in His eyes and with that we live free. It's not our fault if you're clouded with biased judgment.
Frankly, we both didn't want to invite you to our wedding but we conceded after you made ways to get noticed by offering my parents a BLUFFING helping hand.
I have forgiven you but that doesn't mean I like you because I really don't, and I'm sure I won't.
Looking down on me like a firewood (or even like a fresh cut wood) was way too much (like you've known me for even a day ... boooo).
How about looking at your own backyard first? Because I smell UNFINISHED and BURNT wood.
If you got burned and traumatized by it, that's pretty normal BUT PLEASE DON'T SMUDGE your filthy ash on me/us.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cats Can be Man's Best Friends

You are just a cat. How do I call you? Man's best friend? Cats have never been called so. I may not, too.
You don't watch, patrol and guard. You don't attend to tricks. You don't scare strangers and robbers away. Mostly you're passive and aloof. You scamper and mess up the kitchen. You scratch on the furniture and door jams.
You have a disgusting muck and piss our noses off! Yet why am I still keeping you? Why do I love caressing your smooth silky hair and carrying you in my arms? Don't you ever hate me for beating you up every time you loot food from our table? Why do I like to play with you despite all the painful scratch marks you leave on my hands?
Why don't you resent on me for not providing you the best meals? I don't really know if I could call you man's best friend. You don't shun me despite the unpleasant situations. I could not hear you talk back at me (but you do a lot of meowing for my attention, hehehe). It seems that for you everything is just a game of "hide and seek".
Should life be like that? I don't know. Maybe not. I would be the worst fool if I demand you an answer. But if only you can read this, I would like to say, "You, in some ways, take my blues away." Your purring , waggling tail, and playing around my room simply put a smile (or even a heart-full laugh) on my face.
You're almost more than a friend. You're my pet.
Set Designing
I don't have the profession in interior decorating or set designing but having the "art sense" running through my veins, I made up some good and simple set designing for a studio.
It's a volunteer job (and hopefully someday it wouldn't be) but it has a lot of fun involved. I have this knowledge that a room needs to be decorated using ONLY 3 colors/hues/shades. Black & white may not be counted (unless you want to) since they are not considered as colors.
I applied that knowledge to these sets that I will be showing in this article.
The furniture used are borrowed. Some colors added around are just made up by simple materials, like Japanese papers, art papers, etc. They won't be obvious anyway during the shoot.
So enjoy and you may add critics to each picture.

It's a volunteer job (and hopefully someday it wouldn't be) but it has a lot of fun involved. I have this knowledge that a room needs to be decorated using ONLY 3 colors/hues/shades. Black & white may not be counted (unless you want to) since they are not considered as colors.
I applied that knowledge to these sets that I will be showing in this article.
The furniture used are borrowed. Some colors added around are just made up by simple materials, like Japanese papers, art papers, etc. They won't be obvious anyway during the shoot.
So enjoy and you may add critics to each picture.
Monday, June 30, 2008
A Dream-Punch Come True

I have never been to a real fist fight. I have few casual karate sparring when I was in gradeschool and highschool. They were done in the school backyard out of martial art enthusiasm.
This time it’s boxing. Specifically, it’s science. And to those who see boxing as brute rather than sport, yes it has science! Blame it on Manny Pacquiao, he made me discover a better science than the one I learned in highschool, hehehe!
(the belt and the swells in the face of the photo above is digitally manipulated)
Call it euphoria or too much fanaticism or just plainly idiotic to dream of a punch from Pacquiao, whose punch I might not be able to take, regardless of my junior welterweight size. But instead of being frustrated of not getting that feel-of-a-punch-from-Pacman dream, I opt to buying 2 pairs of nice professional gloves (and one used Mixed Martial Art gloves) to have an exercise-purpose boxing.
I tried Elorde’s Gym (by the way, I’m in Cagayan de Oro) but it was a bit costly at that time since I was a bum (and maybe I am still). So I picked on some friends and fooled them to jump on the wagon of my fanaticism — and I was successful.
We have been doing it every Saturday night. No head gears and mouth-pieces since we don’t need them with our agreed light punches.
But last Saturday night, (June 28), a big tall-enough friend Alex was there (tinkering on his laptop) and got curious while I was wrapping my hands getting ready for our sparring session.
He wanted to try and I let him.
Then he came with his really huge hard first punch. I managed to duck. He didn’t know our rules, or how everything should be as an exercise. I am about to tell him that he should not do it seriously but I chose not to. I thought, "whoa, he’s throwing serious wide punches! I’d better try this with him and see how I would take this new-guy punching syndrome."
It proved to me more than a challenge as he was widely-punching his way through me with really hard blows. I thought, "this is it!!!" I tried boxing (not fighting) him scientifically with everything that I’ve learned from reading boxing forums. I counter-punched him three times to his cheek. But that was after he hit me with one big blow on my CHIN!!!
I didn’t see stars but my world rocked like I was riding in a very small quick-rotating Ferris Wheel. I don’t know if I looked wobbly but I did survive that punch. But not without a deep cut in my upper-left lip. It’s swelling as of today. I guess this is the fastest way to have a pouted lips, hehehe! But not only that, I felt my upper jaw and my front teeth were misplaced or moved an inch to my right. Good thing they are perfectly safe and intact, except for one numbed and in pain front-tooth.
I smiled after that night and said, "wow, that really hurt me but what an experience! Could Pacquiao’s punch that hard?" Alex is about 174 lbs. and I’m the same, so that spells like we two welterweights (almost middleweights) inside a ring.
I did think of having a rematch but since he can’t finish a complete 3-minute round without catching his breath, I guess he’d lose anyway. I have the advantage of psychological & physical conditioning, hahaha!!!
My Manny Pacquiao dream-punch came true in the hands of a friend - Alex Perez!! It could be a lot harder with Pacquiao!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Butterflies in the Stomach
When new challenges and opportunities show up in your life, you may diagnose yourself as feeling scared when what you feel is excited. You have not been taught how to welcome the thrill of a new opportunity,and then you withdraw, indulging your anxiety instead of awakening your courage.
One way to inspire yourself to embrace the opportunities that come your way is to look more deeply into your feelings and see thatthe butterflies in your stomach or a rapidly beating heart is not necessarily a sign that you are afraid. Those same butterfly feelings can be translated as passion, curiosity, excitement, or love.
One way to inspire yourself to embrace the opportunities that come your way is to look more deeply into your feelings and see thatthe butterflies in your stomach or a rapidly beating heart is not necessarily a sign that you are afraid. Those same butterfly feelings can be translated as passion, curiosity, excitement, or love.
butterflies in the stomach,
false love,
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Walking Away
Practice zipping up your mouth! Practice letting go of having to beright! Practice walking away from a conflicted or heated situation, rather than jumping into the fray in the hopes of winning. If you look back, you will see that no one wins when both people are trying to control with anger, blame, explanations, debating, defending, lectures, or compliance.
However, if you choose to walk away, walk away with love and compassion – intent on taking loving care of yourself rather than punishing your partner. Walking away in anger is just another way to control.
But don't walk away too far with resentments. It's simply to say, "back yourself out of the heat" and "strike when the iron is cold."
However, if you choose to walk away, walk away with love and compassion – intent on taking loving care of yourself rather than punishing your partner. Walking away in anger is just another way to control.
But don't walk away too far with resentments. It's simply to say, "back yourself out of the heat" and "strike when the iron is cold."
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