Friday, December 16, 2005

Love Chooses Me

A song goes, "you can never ask too much of love." That goes the same with giving. You can never give less or more of love. There’s no true or false love. Love per se should be enough. If it’s less it’s not love but anything else disguised as. What am I talking here?

It’s been quite a while. Love chooses us and not the other way around. It has been with me for long but those were the Philia and the Agape, and some with lust, I admit. But this time, it’s like … "Hi, thanks for choosing me. We’ve met again. I hope you would decide to mark me for good. You made me the cherry of your target and I will, with glad heart, I will widen it for you to have a lot of spaces to hit for more."

I will. I will. and I will.

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